Wednesday 31 December 2014

The Sign On The Door 1

Disclaimer : This is a story of pure fiction. Any resemblance to objects or people or any other work is purely coincidental.

The Sign On The Door

Chapter One - Welcome to our plane of existence.

It is a dark moonless night. Even the stars seem to have shied away from their normal twinkling presence. Seems like even nature is not willing to bear witness to the nefarious actions and intents of The Cult of The Dark Sapphire. Surprisingly its members are composed of usual people. Normal human beings like you and me.The only difference is in their mindsets from us. They are powerful people, top notch businessmen, politicians, generals, and the like united by only one purpose. The occult. 

Since time immemorial, there has been disputes, there has been strife, man has been the center of such actions for a very long time running the same old show in a never-ending repeat telecast of events that have already taken place over and over again and again. Waging war and violence and strife and all those things that deviate us from our humanity. Since a very long time, man has found ways and methods to kill other men and other animals and the end is quite inevitable. There are more ways to kill living things than any other art in human knowledge, from spears, stick and stones to nuclear missiles. All created with one intention, TO KILL. They will not rest until they finish each other off. For now let us stick to the present. Let us leave those tales for the old people to philosophize on. Our motive is to stick to the present.

The great gathering of the heads of all the major power centers have aggregated in the unholy grounds of Void. The place where many countless battles had taken place in the past and even the trees that grow there being perpetually nourished by the carcasses of fallen warriors and their blood have leaves that are crimson in colour to visually confirm that they are ever thirsty for more. More blood, more death, more human agony and despair. A sound comes from where the Cult members are organized. They have began to chant. It cannot be deciphered as the language was not of human origin. They make their presence felt among all those things that are unholy. They greet it rather. Into their minds, into their hearts, into their souls. They taint it with their will. They summon their benefactor. Their great Lord Dark Sapphire. The Lord asks them for their desires. The Cult members each offer names and asks their lord to dispose them off, their rivals, their enemies, their brothers or sisters who have claim to some fortune. Brother killing brother for some temporal gain.

Their Lord grants them their wish and moves from this plane of existence to the underworld from where he would unleash his malice. The sound of thunder greets the Cult members and it acts as a confirmation that their wish was granted. Immediately all those whose names were mentioned dark clouds start gathering over their house. The clouds release a wisp of smoke from them and they travel down to the doors of the houses. The door is marked at the bottom right corner. A small square area is etched with the sign of a Hexagram. 

The curse is in place. All that remains are for the innocent to perish.

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